Call for sites
A Neighbourhood Plan (NP) is a mechanism for helping communities, including both local residents and businesses, to influence the planning of the area. It can be used to:
Develop a shared vision for the neighbourhood.
Propose where new development (homes, business premises, community amenities, sport and recreation, car parks, etc.) should be built.
Identify and protect important local green spaces.
The NP Steering Group is calling upon any residents, landowners, businesses, developers or agents who would like their sites to be considered within the Neighbourhood Plan, to please complete a Call for Sites Application Form now. See the link below (Word document download)
The sites need not be in your ownership, if you have a responsibility for managing them. They can be proposals for a wide range of development uses as stated above. The land must be within the boundaries of the parish. The application form will require the following information for each suggested site:
Your name, and full contact details – clearly stating if Landowner, Developer, Business, or interested party
Site name, address & map (include site location shown on map, with marked boundary)
Site area (in hectares)
Current use of site and suggested, potential type and amount of development e.g. housing (tenures/types), economic & cultural (e.g. business premises, community amenities, sport and recreation, car parks).
Timescale for development, e.g. available now, or at what point in the future
Known and anticipated constraints to development or barriers to delivery, e.g. legal issues, contamination, etc.
The Steering Group will be assessing all identified sites on the basis of; suitability, availability and viability.
Download the form from the button below