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Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is money paid by developers to the local planning authority (South Gloucestershire Council) to support local infrastructure that helps communities manage the changes brought about by the development. The Parish Council gets a proportion of this money.


The CIL Regulations state that a Parish Council must use CIL receipts to support the development of the local council’s area, or any part of that area, by funding:

the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure; or
anything else that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on an area.

It replaces Section 106 planning obligations for many forms of infrastructure, although Section 106 agreements can still be used for site-specific mitigation measures and for affordable housing



The proportion of the CIL Parish Councils receive depends on whether they have a Neighbourhood Plan. Should all the great work being undertaken by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group come to fruition then the Parish will receive a £25% levy, currently it receives a 15% levy. 

Total received by Pilning & Severn Beach Parish Council for the financial year 2023/2024: £2,514.25 

£2,514.25 carried over to 2024/2025.


Total received by Pilning & Severn Beach Parish Council for the financial year 2022/2023: £0


Summary of CIL expenditure £7620.30

Detailed expenditure:
New swing set at Pilning Playing Field £7990.00, with a top up of £369.70 from Parish Council funds.

£0 carried over to 2023/24


Total received by Pilning & Severn Beach Parish Council for the financial year 2021/2022: £0

£7620.30 carried over to 2022/23


Total received by Pilning & Severn Beach Parish Council for the financial year 2020/2021: £3976.48
Summary of CIL expenditure

£7620.30 carried over to 2021/22


Total received by Pilning & Severn Beach Parish Council for the financial year 2019/2020: £3643.82
Summary of CIL expenditure

£3643.82 carried over to 2020/21

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