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Current South Gloucestershire Council
Planning Applications for Pilning & Severn Beach

Please click on the links below to access South Gloucestershire Council planning information.


P25/00232/RVC Former Avlon Works Severn Road Hallen South Gloucestershire Variation of condition 18 attached to permission P21/06880/F to vary the extent of last mile distribution floorspace. (Hybrid planning application, comprising of full planning permission for raising of site levels and associated enabling works to create pre-development plateau; and outline planning permission for erection of strategic employment development comprising of industrial (Class B2) and/or storage and distribution (Class B8) with ancillary office space, external yards, parking and associated works, with access to be determined and all other matters reserved). (21/02/2025)


P25/00305/ADV Plot 3 Land At Western Approach Severn Beach South Gloucestershire BS35 4JX Display of 1no. internally illuminated totem sign and 2no. non-illuminated fascia signs. (02/03/2025)


P25/00319/F 1500 Western Approach Distribution Park Severn Beach South Gloucestershire BS35 4GG Installation of an access gate and barrier and associated works. (05/03/2025)


P25/00320/F Land At Southern Dale Northwick Road Pilning South Gloucestershire BS35 4HA Erection of 1 no. self build dwelling with associated works (Resubmission of P24/01148/F). (05/03/2025)


P24/02312/MW Bristol And Avon Transport And Recycling Ltd Severn Road Hallen South Gloucestershire BS10 7SE Formation of new recycling plant with associated works for the washing and grading of construction, demolition and excavation wastes to produce recovered aggregates. (05/03/2025)


P25/00343/F Land South Of Severn Road Severnside Avonmouth. Creation of plateau and relocation of pond (retrospective). (07/03/2025)


Note: The date shown in brackets is the closing date for responses 

List updated 20/02/2025


Please also check the full South Glos Planning website


Note the Pilning & Severn Beach Parish Council is not responsible for the content of external sites


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